Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Relax, take it easy

The last two months of my experience here have been and will serve to basically enjoy every moment, now that I can communicate extremely well with the people around me and just knowing and having made a lot of good friends. My life here has turned into a more or less "normal" routine type of thing, and so I'm presented with the opportunity to now do 'more' than just the routine, because the routine used to be difficult and filled up all my time and kept me entertained (also studying was something to take up the time and a large responsibility, but keeping up with my grades now is easier as well). Monday, right after school, my friends and I rushed to the train station and 15 minutes later we were at the beach. I even jumped into the ocean with two of my friends. It was pretty cold but I really felt like jumping in and it was quite a great experience. We spent the afternoon doing homework in the sand, playing volleyball which later turned into soccer because the majority of us were soccer players and enjoying the sun and hot temperature. I plan on learning to surf with a friend who knows how soon enough and I hope to be able to go to the city for the day this weekend. Also, I went to the highest mountain in the area, which was only 800km hiigh, so not much of a mountain, and we hiked up to the top. It was a nice way to start the Sunday and really relaxing. I feel like the end of this experience is just a great way to take it easy.